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A Healing Mothers Day for the World

Happy Mothers Day...! But let's not forget about the biggest one of all. Our collective Mother Earth - source of all life, whether it be the plants, the two-legged, four-legged, winged ones or human beings.

She is the greatest teacher and when we live in harmony with her, she will recycle the things we consume and make them available to our children and to their children.

What can we do for her today to say thanks Mum!

This dramatic photo was recently taken by Rosie in Spain last week. And perfectly depicts the awe and how comforting it feels to sit with Mother Earth. With expansive mountains behind and huge sky above the horse and the bird are sitting in tranquil stillness.

In may tribal cultures such as American Indian and Aboriginal societies, they literally love the soil, and they sit on the ground with a feeling of being close to a mothering power. Feels good for the skin to touch the earth and remove our shoes and walk with bare feet.

This is why sitting upon the earth instead of propping ourselves up and away from its life-giving forces allows us to think more deeply and to feel more keenly and see more clearly into the mysteries of life and come closer in friendship.

So just as we love our own mothers and protect her, let's protect the Earth and ensure our impact on the land, water, and air will be intact for our children and their children's children. Remembering that the earth does not belong to us, but we belong to the Earth.

Join us at our Re-Earth Retreat 2nd April. For some Earth Loving activities and quiet time.

Mother's Day goodies... Wild Ivy Style!

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